Gift Card


Gift Card Value

Donna Donna Gift Cards are the perfect way to treat your loved ones.

Sometimes it’s hard to make a decision on behalf of other people!

A gift card is the perfect way to spoil your loved one.

These cards can be used online. Give the gift of quality clothing for your loved one today.

Purchase a gift card for delivery by email to a special loved one, friend or just to say thank you!


The minimum gift card amount is $50.

NB: If you are sending the gift card directly to the recipient please make sure you input the email address of the recipient correctly as this is where the gift card will be sent to via email. 

This giftcard is for online use only. If you would like a gift card for in-store you MUST go into a Donna Donna store and purchase a gift card direct.

All gift cards are valued for 3 years of the date of purchase 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Onos Diamond
Hello Donna Donna

You look so adorable and beautiful 😍❤️ Mary Christmas in advance to you and your family