It is not surprising that style is incredibly personal. It's a direct expression of our personality or mood. Sometimes it's hard to find the time to create your own personal style or perhaps you just wear what feels good for you on the day. Either way you are creating a style wether you like it or not! We think style is something worth investing some time in. Of course, we are Donna Donna and LOVE clothing and style but we also know that when you create your own style and are aware of what works for you then you are able to make fashionable decisions easier and are able to invest your money in pieces that you will not 'get over' quickly or staple items in your wardrobe that can be worn with many different 'looks'.

How To Use Pinterest To Create Your Own Style Board.

1. Start A Pinterest Board.
Pinterest is incredible. If you haven't sorted out an account we recommend doing it. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED. Create a 'New board' and name it 'My Personal Style'.
2. Start Searching Looks You Love.
Do this by typing into the search bar: 'Linen Looks' or 'Relaxed Fashion Looks' or my favourite search 'Vogue Editorial'.
3. Scroll and Save
Scroll through the images that pop up. You'll notice when you click on one image if you scroll below more images of a similar style will pop up for you automatically.
4. Start Pinning.
Start pinning or saving all your fave images together on this board.
5. Your Style Magically Appears!
When you have collected 15 or so images you'll probably notice you are drawn to different colours, styles, materials or moods. This will then inform you of what you are looking for in your own style choices. Here are some ideas on what may have popped up for you:
Are you drawn to a certain colour?
Are you pinning mostly bohemian dresses? classic looks such as button up shirts or jeans? modern? grunge?
Are you seeing that you have pinned flow-y materials? Or are they more structured?
Is your imagery dark? Or have you chosen imagery that is quite bright? Perhaps there is a lot of playful colour? You can start to sense your mood. Playful colour is happy - have fun with colour! Enjoy standing out by choosing bright prints or bold colours such as yellow or red. If you have whites or lights this can often mean your are drawn to simplicity in your style. We are a big fan of Pinterest for inspiration and creating mood boards like the one above. It's a great place to stay inspired and consistently develop your style. Come and join us by clicking HERE.